Tools > MTC3/20


Circular cutting wheel
Technical sheet
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Use
Replacement blades for circular cutting of PG3HTA SERIES, PRG3 SERIES, and PG3BT cable cutters.

Factory-set, non-adjustable cutting depth.

PG3HTA, PRG3, and PG3BT pliers come with 4 blades for circular cutting of BT and HTA cables.
/ Technical specifications
Penta Bulletpoint Specific tools : Cable tools
Penta Bulletpoint Cable tools : Cable tools
Penta Bulletpoint Packaging : Plastic box
Penta Bulletpoint Weight (g) : 15
Penta Bulletpoint Lenght (mm) : 25
Penta Bulletpoint Width (mm) : 25
Penta Bulletpoint Height (mm) : 15