Tools > CNPT/240 SERIE


Full cases for 50 mm² to 240 mm² cables
Technical sheet
/ Standards
Penta Bulletpoint ENEDIS
/ Use
Tools included in the CNPT/240 kits enable the user to splice each layer of distribution underground cable ranging from 50 mm² up to 240 mm² in 12/20 kV.
/ Technical specifications
Penta Bulletpoint Specific tools : Cable tools
Penta Bulletpoint Cable tools : Cable tools
Penta Bulletpoint Operating voltage (V) : HTA (1 000 V to 50 000 V)
Penta Bulletpoint Packaging : Case
Penta Bulletpoint Max diameter (mm) : 40
Penta Bulletpoint Mini diameter (mm) : 16
Penta Bulletpoint Tools king : Specific tools
Product reference Weight Lenght Width Section Technical sheet Quantity
CNPT/240-1-MV-NG 6,9 kg 390 mm 310 mm 50 à 240 mm²
Pulse 32 Darkbg
CNPT/240-2-MV-NG 11,8 kg 575 mm 470 mm 50 à 240 mm²
Pulse 32 Darkbg