Electrical shunt
Electrical shunt > MT50-CAB


Grounding and short-circuit device MV
Technical sheet
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Areas of activity
Electrical distribution
/ Standards
Penta Bulletpoint CEI 61230
Penta Bulletpoint CEI 61138
/ Use
Grounding and short-circuit device for MV systems in round bare conductors or bars of LV/MV secondary substations or MV/AT primary substations on MV side.
Penta Bulletpoint Easy to use on all types of terrain without climbing
Penta Bulletpoint Good flexibility
/ Technical specifications
Penta Bulletpoint Product specificity : Temporary
Penta Bulletpoint Product kind : Dispositif
Penta Bulletpoint Clamp material :
Penta Bulletpoint Conductor type : Ball, Round, Flat
Penta Bulletpoint Vise clamping capacity (mm) : 0÷35
Penta Bulletpoint Operating voltage (V) : HTA (1 000 V to 50 000 V)
Penta Bulletpoint Field of use (environment) :
Penta Bulletpoint Isc Max (short-circuit current) kA/0.3s : 13.6
Penta Bulletpoint Short-circuit intensity kA/0.5s : 11.6
Penta Bulletpoint Short-circuit intensity kA/1s : 8.2
Penta Bulletpoint Composition : n° 3 pinze in lega leggera con serraggio a vite a codolo esagonale CH12 con serraggio: - ø 5÷40 mm su conduttori cilindrici - spess. max 60x50 mm su barre piatte - spess. max 35 mm su barre inclinate - spess. max 25x60 mm e punti fissi sferici ø 20/25 mm n° 3 cavi in rame sez. 35 mm2 L=0,8 m ricoperti in guaina siliconica n° 1 connettore di triforcazione isolato n° 1 cavo di terra sez. 16 mm2 e L=2 m ricoperto in guaina siliconica n° 1 morsa di terra in lega leggera con serraggio a vite spess. 0÷35 e punti fissi sferici ø 20/25mm (morsa in ottone) n° 1 fioretto isolante L=1,5 m in due pezzi da 0,75m cad. assiemabili con giunto simplex
Penta Bulletpoint Cable material : Copper
Penta Bulletpoint Cable isolation type : Silicone
Penta Bulletpoint Phase câble
Penta Bulletpoint Phase cable number : 3
Penta Bulletpoint Phase(s) cable cross-section (mm²) : 35
Penta Bulletpoint Phase(s) cable length (m) : 0.8
Penta Bulletpoint Floor cable
Penta Bulletpoint Cross-section (mm²) : 16
Penta Bulletpoint Floor cable lenght (m) : 2
Penta Bulletpoint Clamp :
Penta Bulletpoint Roost number : 1
Penta Bulletpoint Earthing Clamp : MT40F