Tools > CAUG5/60-160


Tool for semiconductive layer over outer sheath
Technical sheet
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Use
CAUG5/60-160 tool enables the user to remove the semi-conductive layer located on the outer sheath of high voltage cables.
Penta Bulletpoint Counter-blade allowing very regular machining
/ Technical specifications
Penta Bulletpoint Specific tools : Cable tools
Penta Bulletpoint Cable tools : Cable tools
Penta Bulletpoint Operating voltage (V) : HTB (> 50 000 V)
Penta Bulletpoint Packaging : Case
Penta Bulletpoint Weight (kg) : 8,6
Penta Bulletpoint Lenght (mm) : 640
Penta Bulletpoint Width (mm) : 226
Penta Bulletpoint Height (mm) : 113
Penta Bulletpoint Max diameter (mm) : 160
Penta Bulletpoint Mini diameter (mm) : 60
Penta Bulletpoint MIN cutting depth (mm) : 2