Tools > CMV-4F-PNP


4 Functions MV case for peelable and non-peelable semiconductor
Technical sheet
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Products contained in the kit
/ Use
The CMV-3F-P kit contains the tools needed to remove the outer sheath, cut the non-strippable and strippable semiconductors, and strip the insulation.
An additional slot is provided to supplement the basic tools with PRG3 pliers or a chamfer stylus for the insulation end.
Penta Bulletpoint No silicon needed
Penta Bulletpoint Fast deployment
/ Technical specifications
Penta Bulletpoint Specific tools : Cable tools
Penta Bulletpoint Cable tools : Cable tools
Penta Bulletpoint Operating voltage (V) : HTA (1 000 V to 50 000 V)
Penta Bulletpoint Packaging : Case
Penta Bulletpoint Weight (kg) : 4,7
Penta Bulletpoint Lenght (mm) : 390
Penta Bulletpoint Width (mm) : 310
Penta Bulletpoint Height (mm) : 145
Penta Bulletpoint Max diameter (mm) : 58
Penta Bulletpoint Mini diameter (mm) : 18