Electrical shunt
Electrical shunt > S1560AX


Earthing clamp
Technical sheet
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Areas of activity
Electrical distribution
Civil security
/ Standards
Penta Bulletpoint CEI 61230
/ Use
The S1560 is a grounding clamp for conductors and cylindrical bars.
The body and movable jaw of the S1560 are made of aluminum alloy.
The clamping shaft is made of corrosion-resistant steel.
One end of the pin is fitted with a clamping compensation system.
This clamp is designed to accept TFK-type grounding cables with a 12mm terminal diameter
/ Technical specifications
Penta Bulletpoint Product kind : Clamps
Penta Bulletpoint Clamp material : Aluminium
Penta Bulletpoint Clamp tightenning (mm) : Cylindre Ø15 à 60
Penta Bulletpoint Nozzle type : Without tip (AX)
Penta Bulletpoint Conductor type : Round
Penta Bulletpoint Operating voltage (V) : HTB (> 50 000 V)
Penta Bulletpoint Field of use (environment) : Aerial or transformation station
Penta Bulletpoint Way of access : From the floor
Penta Bulletpoint Short-circuit intensity kA/1s : 40
Penta Bulletpoint Measurement : 210x165x52mm
Penta Bulletpoint Weight (kg) : 1,24