Electrical shunt
Electrical shunt > BT324AP


Earthing and short-circuiting clamp for LV overhead lines
Technical sheet
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Areas of activity
Electrical distribution
/ Standards
Penta Bulletpoint CEI 61230
/ Use
Clamp for earthing and short­circuiting on a bare LV
Penta Bulletpoint Automatic spring clamp, no manual tightening required
Penta Bulletpoint Low weight constraints
Penta Bulletpoint Fast and easy to use
Penta Bulletpoint Ensures effective contact with the cable
/ Technical specifications
Penta Bulletpoint Product kind : Clamps
Penta Bulletpoint Clamp material : Aluminium
Penta Bulletpoint Clamp tightenning (mm) : Ø3 à 24mm
Penta Bulletpoint Nozzle type : Hexagonal (AP)
Penta Bulletpoint Conductor type : Round
Penta Bulletpoint Operating voltage (V) : BT (50 V to 1000 V)
Penta Bulletpoint Field of use (environment) : Aerial or transformation station
Penta Bulletpoint Short-circuit intensity kA/1s : 6,7
Penta Bulletpoint Measurement : 195x55x50mm
Penta Bulletpoint Weight (kg) : 0,355