Temporary electrical insulation
Temporary electrical insulation > S182L3


PVC Phase marking tapes
Technical sheet
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Standards
EN 60454/type 6
/ Use

Electrical insulation and Alphanumeric coding of 3 phases electrical installations

/ Technical specifications

Thickness : 0,18 mm.

Breaking load : 40 N/cm.

Elongation : 250%.

Adhesion to steel : 2,3 N/cm.

Adhesion to self : 1,17 N/cm.

Service temperature : -5°C to +70°C.

Breakdown voltag e: 10 kV.


Bold, easy to read white print on contrasting background - L1, L2, L3, N.

Flame retardant and self-extinguishing.


Good resistance to ageing.

UV resistant.