Voltage detector with self-test, running on a voltage range of 127 V to 90 kV.
Field voltages on contact with the element to check : 127V to 90kV.
AC mains frequency : 50 Hz
Climatic resistance : -20 ° C to +50 ° C depending on battery type.
Automatic wake up when voltage detected.
This detector is powered by a 9V IEC / IEC 6LR61 alkaline, it's self-test embedded control all parts.
Selft-test is controlling all functions and the voltage level of battery.
Indication of live voltage : Sound and red Light.
Easy to use : The detection voltage is indicated by a red flashing light and a sound.
Body made in black polycarbonate with incorporating universal nozzle attachment.
Its attachment is possible on any type of sticks by intermediate couplings available.