Tools > CMV/240-2-NG


Full case 50 mm² to 240 mm² with TC
Technical sheet
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Use
CMV/240-2-NG tools enable the user to prepare entirely cables from 50 to 240 mm² with performing cones at the insulation ends.
/ Technical specifications

Identical tool case as CNPT/240-2-MV-NG with SR stylus (straight incision onto the peelable semi-conductor) instead of SRC stylus (peelable-semi conductor with chamfer).

CMV/240-2-NG contains the following products :

- MF2/40 : Outer sheath and insulation cut

- MF1+/25 : Non peelable semiconductor removal

- SR : For MF1+/25 tool, straight incision onto the peelable semi-conductor

- SCH : For MF1+/25 tool, to perform a chamfer at the end of the insulation

- ALROC-FENTE : To perform splits on outer sheath

- ROTO-TMG : To maintain mechanical fitting connector and lugs

- GFE-TMG : For ROTO-TMG tool, tightening of the sheath and bending the sector-shaped conductor

- K7/GRATT : For ROTO-TMG tool, abrasion of the outer sheath

- EV/NPT : Spreading the sheath

- EV2000 150-240 : Flaring out the outer sheath

- EV150-240 : Flaring out the outer sheath

- GRI : Removing external bonded semiconductor residues

- P115 : To fix collars

- TC50, TC95, TC150, TC240, TCD2000 : Performing cones on the insulation

New generation.