Pole > NE19E


Hoja técnica
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Areas de actividad
Distribución de electricidad
Protección civil
/ Normas
Penta Bulletpoint CEI 60855-1
Penta Bulletpoint Comfortable handling
Penta Bulletpoint Lighter
/ Características
Penta Bulletpoint Dimensions (mm) : 1600x45x45mm
Penta Bulletpoint Pole kind : Extendable
Penta Bulletpoint Operating voltage (V) : BT (50 V to 1000 V), HTA (1 000 V to 50 000 V)
Penta Bulletpoint Pipe kind : Rounded
Penta Bulletpoint Lenght max unfolded (m) : 1600mm
Penta Bulletpoint Hand shield
Penta Bulletpoint Pipe diameter (mm) : Ø32
Penta Bulletpoint Accessory weight (kg) : 1,52