Tools > MF3/40-C
Herramienta multifuncional para la cubierta, la semi conductora pelable con chaflán y aislamiento
Hoja técnica
Pulse 32 Darkbg
/ Areas de actividad
Cables & conexiones
Distribución de electricidad
/ Normas
Penta Bulletpoint ENEDIS
/ Uso
The MF3/40-C tools enables the user to :
Remove the outer sheath (PE-PVC-PR) with a straight and neat cut
Score the peelable semiconductor with a chamfer on the edge of the semiconductor cutback (with the SRC scoring stylus delivered with the tool)
Set the length to be removed and remove the insulation with a straight and neat cut
Penta Bulletpoint Rugosidad mínima sobre el aislamiento
Penta Bulletpoint Resistente
Penta Bulletpoint Easy to get to grips with
/ Características
Penta Bulletpoint Cable tools : Cable tools
Penta Bulletpoint Operating voltage (V) : HTA (1 000 V to 50 000 V)
Penta Bulletpoint Max diameter (mm) : 40
Penta Bulletpoint Mini diameter (mm) : 16
Penta Bulletpoint Semi insulated chamfer
Penta Bulletpoint Limit stop : None
Penta Bulletpoint Lenght (mm) : 305
Penta Bulletpoint Width (mm) : 100
Penta Bulletpoint Height (mm) : 165
Penta Bulletpoint Weight (kg) : 1,46
Penta Bulletpoint Packaging : Carton box
Penta Bulletpoint Section (mm²) : 25 à 240
Penta Bulletpoint Profondeur d'incision sur semi pelable : 0,4 - 1,5
Penta Bulletpoint Cutting depth (max) on insulation : 7
Penta Bulletpoint Longitud restante de semi conductor (MIN) (mm) : 30
Penta Bulletpoint Profundidad de incision (MAX) (mm) : 1.5