Electrical shunt
Electrical shunt > MR50
Morsetto di messa a terra rotante per lo svolgimento dei cavi
Scheda tecnica
/ Settori di attività
Distribuzione di elettricità
Sicurezza civile
/ Standard
Penta Bulletpoint CEI 61230
/ Utilizzo
This equipment is used to unwind overhead electrical cables.
Equipped with 2 upper pulleys and 1 lower pulley with adjustable pressure, to always ensure effective contact when unwinding the cable.
The rear of the unit can accommodate TFK-type earth cables fitted with Ø10mm connectors, mounted with an M10 stainless steel screw.
Penta Bulletpoint High clamping capacity
Penta Bulletpoint Ensures effective contact with the cable
/ Specifiche tecniche
Penta Bulletpoint Tipo di prodotto : Pinze
Penta Bulletpoint Tensione di esercizio (V) : BT, HTA, HTB
Penta Bulletpoint Field of use (environment) : In line (aerial)
Penta Bulletpoint Short-circuit intensity kA/1s : 25
Penta Bulletpoint Peso (kg) : 5
Penta Bulletpoint Misura (mm) : 500x450x250mm
Penta Bulletpoint Clamp tightenning (mm) : Ø5 à 50mm
Penta Bulletpoint Conductor type : Round
Penta Bulletpoint Clamp material : Aluminium
Penta Bulletpoint Vantaggi MALT : High clamping capacity, Ensures effective contact with the cable
Riferimento del prodotto Nozzle type Scheda tecnica Quantity
MR50 Without tip (AX)
Pulse 32 Darkbg
MR50HE Hexagonal (HE)
Pulse 32 Darkbg